May 27, 2023 2 min read

Content Data, Session Data & Statistical Data

Content Data, Session Data & Statistical Data

In today's interconnected world, data plays a crucial role in understanding and securing network systems. Network analysts rely on various types of data to extract valuable insights and monitor network security effectively. Three key types of data used in network analysis are full content data, session data, and statistical data. Each type provides unique information that aids analysts in gaining a comprehensive understanding of network activities and identifying potential threats. In this article, we will explore these data types and the tools commonly used to extract and analyze them.

Full Content Data

Full content data is a rich form of data that allows analysts to examine individual pieces of information in detail. It provides a granular view of network traffic, enabling thorough analysis. Tcpdump is a widely used command-line interface tool for capturing and extracting full content data. Analysts can leverage this tool to gather complete packet-level information, including payload content, protocols used, source and destination IP addresses, ports, timestamps, and more. The availability of full content data empowers analysts to perform deep packet inspection and conduct in-depth investigations.

Session Data

Session data, also known as flow or conversation data, focuses on capturing details about user sessions within websites and applications. This data type enables analysts to study the protocols employed in network conversations, gaining insights into the overall flow of information. Cisco's NetFlow technology is commonly used to capture session data, while open-source tools like Fprobe offer similar functionality. Analysts can extract valuable information from session data, such as source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, timestamps, and other essential details. This data type aids in understanding network behavior, identifying communication patterns, and detecting potential anomalies.

Statistical Data

Statistical data, referred to as Network Security Monitoring (NSM) information, serves as a valuable resource for network intrusion detection and analysis. It provides insights into the scope and magnitude of network intrusions. Analysts leverage inferential thinking to draw conclusions and make informed decisions based on the statistical data extracted. By monitoring data over a specific period, analysts can establish a baseline and identify deviations from normal patterns, aiding in the detection of anomalies. Various tools, such as Ipcad, ifstat, and Bmon, enable the collection of statistical data, facilitating in-depth analysis and enhancing network security.


The effective analysis and monitoring of network systems require the extraction and examination of different types of data. Full content data provides analysts with detailed insights into individual pieces of information, enabling deep packet inspection. Session data helps understand the flow of information within user sessions, identifying communication patterns and potential anomalies. Statistical data, through inferential thinking, offers valuable intelligence to detect network intrusions and abnormal behavior. By leveraging appropriate tools such as Tcpdump, NetFlow, Fprobe, Ipcad, ifstat, and Bmon, analysts can harness the power of these data types and enhance network security through comprehensive analysis and monitoring.

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