Jan 11, 2023 1 min read

Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA)

The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) is a law that was developed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) which was signed into effect July of 1999. UCITA was developed in order to create legal standards and guidelines for aspects of electronic transactions that were not covered in the Uniform Commercial Code. If widely adopted UCITA would provide additional provisions about digital transactions involving intangible goods. For example companies that sell software and other digital goods would have additional liability for damages caused by defects in their product. As of today UCITA has only been adopted in two states which are Virginia and Maryland. (Virginia Legislative Information System, 2000).

UCITA and Data Security

Although UCITA does not directly relate to information security it may still have implications that relate to cyber crime. One benefit of UCITA is that it would create a uniform set of legal guidelines that would apply nationwide. This would help to reduce ambiguity and confusions in legal matters involving the transaction of digital goods. UCITA is divided into nine separate provisions that cover various aspects of commerce. Establishing standards for digital transactions relating to contracts, performance, warranties and other elements of general commerce would protect consumers from unethical trade practices. (Uhlfelder, 2000).

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